Odessa oblast. Elections to the oblast council 25 October 2020
Election date: | 25 October 2020 |
Election region: | Odessa oblast |
Election type: | Oblast Council elections |
Number of Council Seats: | 84 |
Registered parties: | 11 |
Total candidates on the lists: | 767 |
Number of voters: | - |
Total voted FOR: | 566 971 |
Turnout: | 35,46 % |
Processed Protocols: | 100,00 % |
Election results
№ | Registered party | Votes FOR (%) | |
1 |
Number of candidates: 84
Total mandates: 24
2 |
Number of candidates: 68
Total mandates: 16
3 |
Number of candidates: 71
Total mandates: 11
4 |
Number of candidates: 71
Total mandates: 10
5 |
Number of candidates: 78
Total mandates: 10
6 |
Number of candidates: 77
Total mandates: 7
7 |
Number of candidates: 50
Total mandates: 6
8 |
Number of candidates: 83
9 |
Number of candidates: 75
10 |
Number of candidates: 56
11 |
Number of candidates: 54