Opinion polls results: Politicians approval ratings

Approval and favorability ratings of political and government figures

The section presents the results of sociological surveys - approval and favorability ratings of politicians and statesman of Ukraine. Since 2011, we have been conducting regular monitoring of all well-known institutes of sociology, analyzing, processing and storing their research data. The most recent politicians approval ratings are posted on the first page

KIIS, 19 February 2025

Time frame of poll: 04.02.2025 - 09.02.2025
Number of respondents: 1000
Sampling error: 4.1%
Polling method: CATI - computer-assisted telephone interviews
Question: How much do you trust such politicians?
Survey publication date: 19 February 2025
Kyiv international institute of sociology

Active Group, 19 February 2025

Time frame of poll: 12.02.2025 - 16.02.2025
Number of respondents: 2000
Sampling error: 2.2%
Polling method: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)
Question: How much do you trust such politicians?
Survey publication date: 19 February 2025
Research company "Active Group"

NewImage, 3 February 2025

Time frame of poll: 18.01.2025 - 26.01.2025
Number of respondents: 1200
Sampling error: 2.9%
Polling method: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)
Question: How much do you trust such politicians?
Survey publication date: 3 February 2025
New Image Marketing Group

Active Group commissioned by Future Research Foundation, 10 December 2024

Time frame of poll: 06.12.2024 - 08.12.2024
Number of respondents: 2000
Sampling error: 2.2%
Polling method: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)
Question: How much do you trust such politicians?
Survey publication date: 10 December 2024
Research company "Active Group"

Social Monitoring commissioned by American Political Services, LLC, 26 November 2024

Time frame of poll: 15.11.2024 - 21.11.2024
Number of respondents: 1200
Sampling error: 2.9%
Polling method: Phone Interview
Question: How much do you trust such politicians?
Survey publication date: 26 November 2024
Social Monitoring Center
1  2  3  4  ...  18  19  >
Parties ratings Politicians ratings Ratings in regions Anti-ratings of politicians
Politicians approval ratings
Government approval ratings
* If you have information about missing surveys among our data, we would be grateful for providing it via the link
4 hours back
4 hours back
Donald Trump: Ukraine is under martial law all the time and the leader of this country in approval rating has already fallen to 4%. I think that here the Ukrainian people will decide that there have been no elections for a long time. It is not Russia that tells Ukraine that elections are needed, this is an objective situation
7 hours back
The US and Russia consider elections in Ukraine a key condition for the success of the settlement process. At the same time, Trump and Putin "consider the chances of re-election of the current Ukrainian president to be low" - Fox News journalist Jackie Heinrich, citing sources in diplomatic circles
23 hours back