List of public opinion polls

Company Publication date Polling method Number of respondents Sampling error
Development of Society 25.10.2021 F2F 1006 2.8
Human Research, Kharkiv sociological network 25.10.2021 F2F 1613 2.6
USS Research 22.10.2021 F2F 800 3.4
KISCS 22.10.2021 CATI 3006 2.8
Rating 19.10.2021 F2F 800 3.5
National Monitoring 19.10.2021 F2F 1000 2.8
KIIS 19.10.2021 CATI 1200 3.2
SocioStream 19.10.2021 F2F 2500 2.2
USS Research 18.10.2021 CATI 800 3.4
USS Research 15.10.2021 CATI and F2F 1000 4.6
RDI 13.10.2021 F2F 2045 3.5
Rating 11.10.2021 F2F 1200 2.8
UIF, NewImage 04.10.2021 F2F 2400 2.0
Analytical Center "Perspective" 01.10.2021 F2F 600 4.0
BURI 30.09.2021 Phone Interview 2008 2.2
NewImage 30.09.2021 F2F 1600 2.5
SOCIS 30.09.2021 F2F 800 3.6
SOCIS 27.09.2021 CATI 2000 2.4
KIIS 23.09.2021 CATI 2002 2.4
Social Monitoring 23.09.2021 F2F 3010 1.9
Rating 17.09.2021 F2F 19196 3.5
National Monitoring 17.09.2021 F2F 1000 2.8
SocioStream 10.09.2021 F2F 1800 2.7
Active Group 09.09.2021 CATI 1200 2.9
ICDS 08.09.2021 F2F 400 4.9
Rating 07.09.2021 CATI 2500 2.0
Active Group 06.09.2021 F2F 1205 2.9
RDI 03.09.2021 F2F 1053 3.2
BURI 26.08.2021 CATI 2020 2.2
RDI 21.08.2021 Questionnaire 1425 3.5
Ukrainian sociology group 20.08.2021 F2F 1206 3.0
Rating 19.08.2021 CATI 20000 1.0
Union of Voters of the City of Dnipro 19.08.2021 F2F 3200 2.1
Social Monitoring 17.08.2021 F2F 3012 1.9
NewImage, UIF 11.08.2021 F2F 5000 1.4
KISCS 10.08.2021 F2F 3000 2.8
Razumkov Centre 10.08.2021 F2F 2019 2.3
SOCIS 09.08.2021 CATI 2000 -
KIIS 04.08.2021 F2F 2028 3.3
BURI 02.08.2021 CATI 2010 2.2
Rating 27.07.2021 CATI 2500 2.0
RDI 27.07.2021 F2F 2032 3.0
CPD 27.07.2021 F2F 503 5.0
CPD 27.07.2021 F2F 500 5.0
Rating 21.07.2021 F2F 1200 2.8
KISCS 21.07.2021 F2F 3000 2.8
Active Group 20.07.2021 F2F 1210 2.9
Ukrainian sociology group 20.07.2021 F2F 1224 3.0
RDI 17.07.2021 F2F 2019 3.0
Rating 15.07.2021 F2F 1200 2.8
<  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  ...  33  34  >
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