Presidential elections in Ukraine. Second round 21 April 2019

Opinion polls Poll UE Exit polls
Results and candidates
During election campaign, the Commission forms the composition of the election participants, and on the night after the voting day 21 April 2019, final protocols begin to arrive from the polling stations. Presidential elections in Ukraine ends within 15 days after voting day with the establishment of official results. On this page, we present a list of candidates, as well as intermediate and final results of voting in real time.
Election date: 21 April 2019
Number of election participants: 3
Number of voters who voted: 18 491 972
Protocols processed: 100.00%

Voting results (full list)

Name Votes FOR (%)
13 541 528
4 522 450
None of the above . N.
427 994

Voter turnout

Region as of 11:00 as of 15:00 as of 20:00
for Ukraine 18.14% 45.21% 61.37%
Vinnytsia oblast 17.09% 45.51% 62.52%
Volyn oblast 13.99% 43.76% 64.25%
Dnipropetrovsk oblast 23.21% 50.85% 65.89%
Donetsk oblast 20.89% 44.85% 57.23%
Zhytomyr oblast 17.40% 44.58% 61.16%
Zakarpattia oblast 8.64% 29.63% 46.38%
Zaporizhzhya oblast 24.62% 50.75% 64.26%
Ivano-Frankivsk oblast 10.81% 37.00% 59.96%
Kiev oblast 19.61% 47.89% 64.22%
Kirovograd oblast 22.51% 47.70% 60.53%
Luhansk oblast 22.70% 45.05% 56.35%
Lviv oblast 12.13% 40.34% 67.34%
Nikolaev oblast 22.95% 48.30% 60.66%
Odessa oblast 17.30% 43.96% 58.95%
Poltava oblast 22.53% 50.36% 64.90%
Rivne oblast 13.84% 42.26% 60.70%
Sumy oblast 20.48% 47.86% 62.85%
Ternopil oblast 11.58% 40.76% 64.05%
Kharkiv oblast 19.63% 48.16% 64.66%
Kherson oblast 22.00% 45.45% 57.42%
Khmelnitsk oblast 15.89% 44.85% 62.67%
Cherkasy oblast 20.96% 47.34% 60.93%
Chernihiv oblast 20.13% 47.68% 62.61%
Chernivtsi oblast 10.90% 34.93% 54.09%
Kyiv 16.45% 46.14% 65.85%
Abroad 0.00% 0.00% 13.33%
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